Baby Clothing Essentials

When it comes to baby clothing, parents are always looking for the best. Whether it’s organic cotton clothes for newborns, cute accessories for girls and boys or special occasion outfits, there are plenty of brands that offer luxe items to meet every need. These brands use environmentally-friendly fabrics, provide photogenic outfits, and feature a wide variety of colors, prints, and designs. They’re also designed with the smallest skin in mind, so they’re gentle on the most sensitive of babies.

The basic items you’ll need for your newborn’s wardrobe include bodysuits, onesies, dresses, shirts and pants, sleepers, rompers, footie pajamas, blankets, hats and socks. You’ll also want to keep a few sets of diapering essentials, like changing pad covers and crib sheets, on hand. This allows you to wash and swap out clothing frequently, ensuring that your little one is always wearing clean clothes.

Babies grow fast, so it’s important to have a wide selection of mix-and-match clothing options. It’s also a good idea to have a few basics on hand to accommodate warmer and colder weather, as well as seasonal changes.

For a daytime outfit, consider a dress or skirt that provides twirl-worthy elegance and comfort. These items work well for a casual playdate or family outing, and there are options featuring playful ruffles, adorable prints, and breathable fabrics that will help the littlest members of your family stay cool.

To create a comfortable, womb-like feeling for your baby, try swaddle blankets. These are lightweight, but they’ll feel warm enough to help the baby stay comfortable throughout the night. And, they’re easy to wash and dry, making them the perfect addition to your baby’s wardrobe.

A pair of bibs is a must for keeping the first few weeks and months organized, especially during those frequent diaper changes. Look for bibs with a snap-crotch, which will make it easier to get the outfit on and off, and soft fabrics that are gentle on your baby’s skin.

You’ll need a few pairs of shoes for your baby, including some trainers that can be worn with a romper or onesie. If your baby is a girl, you’ll want to pick up some ballet shoes or sandals, while boys will need sneakers.

If you’re buying for a gender-neutral baby, try some pieces from Mori. This eco-friendly brand uses a blend of bamboo, modal sourced from Beech trees and organic cotton for their garments, which is super soft and sustainable. They use a low-impact dyeing process and ensure the safety of their workers.

And, if you’re shopping for a baby boy or girl, check out the colorful, patterned options from Colored Organics. This brand also partners with charitable organizations, which means that your purchase helps kids in need.

You’ll also want to have a few hats on hand, which can be easily rotated out to avoid overheating. And, don’t forget to stock up on some socks, which will keep baby’s feet cozy and free of blisters during those first few months.