The way you dress your loved one for their funeral leaves a final impression. It is an opportunity to honor them, and help others remember them as they were in life. It is for this reason that it is so important to choose an outfit that will make your loved one look beautiful and dignified.
A person’s burial clothes should be based on their style and preferences. This includes the type of clothing they normally wore and any accessories that were meaningful to them. For example, if a man has a favorite suit or shirt they like to wear, it would be appropriate for him to be dressed in it for his funeral.
If your loved one has left specific instructions on how they want to be buried, you should try to follow their wishes as much as possible. This will make it easier for family members to find the right outfit for your loved one.
Traditionally, men are buried in suits and women are buried in funeral gowns. These dresses typically have long sleeves and high necklines. They also are made of easily adjustable fabrics. It is a good idea to check with your religious leaders to see what kind of attire they recommend.
Many people decide to dress their loved ones in their favorite outfit for their funeral. This is often a comfortable option, especially for those that wish to have an open casket. It may be something as simple as lounging pajamas and slippers or a negligee.
Other people decide to bury their loved ones in special blankets or even in sheets. These are called shrouds. They are typically made of lightweight, soft fabric that covers the body. Some are decorated with embroidery, leaves or flowers.
It is a good idea to check with the religious leader to learn what kind of attire they suggest for your loved one. Some religions have strict dress and hairstyle guidelines for their deceased followers.
For those who are unable to afford to purchase an outfit for their loved one, there are organizations that will repurpose donated wedding dresses, bridesmaid and flower girl gowns, prom and formal dresses and bridal accessories into infant burial gowns (called “angel gowns”), bonnets and other keepsake items for grieving families. One such organization is Emma and Evan Foundation. This foundation accepts donations of these types of clothing and other items for free and makes them available to grieving families.
You can also purchase a shroud for a deceased child, which is a similar but less costly option. These can be purchased from many different online and retail stores.
It is important to remember that your loved one’s attire for their funeral will be seen by many other people. It is for this reason that it is a good idea to not wear anything that is controversial or arousing. It is also a good idea to avoid clothes that may make your loved one uncomfortable, which could lead to an unpleasant experience for everyone.