Whether you are planning a child funeral for your child or a loved one, there are many things you need to consider. Planning a child funeral can be a difficult time, but if you are able to include your child in the process, it can be an uplifting experience.
One way to involve your child in the planning process is to ask them about the funeral. They may have a very strong idea about what they want from the service, such as a certain color of clothing, a specific food at the reception, or the order of the service. They may also have a favorite cartoon character or sports team that they would like to honor.
Another way to involve your child in the planning process may be to give them a hand. You can ask them to help you choose the type of music, hymns, or eulogies that will be included in the service. You can also ask them to write a message for the family or put a message in the casket.
In addition to choosing music, you may also want to include a storytime. You can ask your child to read a poem or story on the day of the funeral. You may also choose to have a local high school choir or band contribute music to the service. You can also hire an ice cream truck to deliver ice cream to the family.
You may also want to take your child to the funeral home or cemetery to see the place where the service will be held. This is also an opportunity to show them where the urns and caskets are. They may also notice portraits and photo boards that will be displayed.
If your child does not want to attend the funeral, you can leave them with a friend or babysitter. If they are old enough, they can also watch the service from the comfort of their own home. If you are unsure about whether or not your child wants to attend the service, you can also offer a private ceremony.
If you want to make the service more meaningful, you may want to have some of your children’s favorite items used in the casket. For example, you may want to have a light-colored casket lined with your child’s favorite blanket or team flag. Using a child’s favorite color of clothing may also be an idea.
You can also make a recording of the service. Taking a picture or recording the event can also help you and other family members remember the occasion.
You can also have your child write a message or write a poem on a card. You can put it in the casket or urn, or have it read by a loved one. It is not uncommon for children to have favorite foods, songs, or performances that they would like to honor.
The funeral service for a child may be the last physical act your child will do. The rituals involved are important to children, and allowing them to participate in the planning can help them feel included.