Where to Donate Wedding Dresses

Most little girls dream of growing up and having the perfect storybook wedding in a beautiful gown. Many brides keep their dresses as a special keepsake or pass them down to the next generation. Some even partake in the popular “trash the dress” tradition where they get dressed up and go swimming, play in the mud, or otherwise destroy their wedding dresses as a way to say goodbye to them forever. But while some brides choose to save their gowns, others are choosing to donate them. The reasons can range from a lack of storage space to the desire for a tax deduction or the opportunity to help someone else in need according to Martha Stewart.

There are several ways that you can donate your old wedding dress, including donating it to a bridal boutique with a heart. These are typically nonprofits with a mission focused on a specific cause such as cancer research, environmental protection, or helping military brides or survivors of abuse. Many of these charities will resell your dress so that it can be worn by other brides, while the proceeds from the sale are used to further their mission.

Another option is to sell your wedding dress at a consignment store. This is a good choice if you are not interested in the time and energy it takes to list the dress on different websites or if you are worried that you might end up with less than what you deserve from the sale of your dress. However, the commission fees for selling your dress can be higher than with a charity donation.

Lastly, you can also donate your dress to a local thrift shop or repurpose it as something else. For example, if you have an artsy side, you could turn your dress into a unique pillow or Christmas tree skirt. Or, there are businesses that work with brides to frame their gowns in a way that can be displayed as a piece of art.

When deciding where to donate your wedding dress, you should first familiarize yourself with the organization’s donation guidelines. This will ensure that your gown is in good condition and that the recipients align with your desired impact. Additionally, you should have your gown professionally cleaned before donating it.

One of the most popular places to donate a wedding dress is to a bridal boutique with a heart. This is a nonprofit bridal shop that accepts donations of gently-used gowns to sell at reduced prices. The proceeds from the sales are then used to support various projects such as bringing awareness about human trafficking, supporting military brides, and assisting NICU families with newborns.

If you are unsure of where to donate your dress, consider contacting your local shelters or churches. In addition, there are several online options for donating your gown. Some of these websites will also provide a list of local drop off locations. Before dropping off your dress, be sure to put it in a protective garment bag. This will prevent it from becoming wrinkled or ripped in transit and will protect the fabric from any mold or bacteria that may develop over time.