angel gowns

Angel gowns are a special kind of hospital gown made for parents who are losing a baby. They are designed to ease the grief and sorrow of the bereaved parents during the time they are in the hospital. They can be used to honor the child who has passed away and allow parents to take photos with them.

The gowns are available at local hospitals and through bereavement groups. You can also order them from angel gown organizations. These organizations provide support and resources for the families who are in need. Some organizations that provide support for the bereaved include the International Stillbirth Association, Share, HAND, Postpartum Support, First Candle, Mend, and Bereaved Parent.

Angel Gowns of WNY is a non-profit organization founded by Missy Ray as a way to give back to her community. They received 501(c)(3) status in September 2014. The organization provides love and support to the parents of babies who have passed away while in the NICU. Their goal is to provide as many angel gowns as possible to these families.

The Angel Gown Program also needs help with shipping costs. It costs around $35,000 per year to send the dresses to their new owners. You can help by making a donation. These gowns are made by volunteers. The donations you make will go towards sending the garments to their new homes. You can even track your angel gowns through a virtual meeting with the seamstress.

Levine Children’s Hospital has a Comfort Committee that meets monthly and helps the families of babies in the NICU. The committee is led by Dr. Jessica Clarke-Pounder, a neonatologist. Other members of the committee include Melissa Tyo, a bedside nurse. Through the Comfort Committee, angel gowns trickle in from different departments.

The Angel Gowns Project has partnered with Project NICU Helping Hands to turn wedding dresses into beautiful burial gowns for newborns. This program is part of the nonprofit organization NICU Helping Hands, which is a great help for NICU families. The organization also provides emotional support and practical assistance to the families of these children.