After your child has passed away, one of the first things you should do is plan the child funeral. Planning a child funeral is a tough time, but if you plan the funeral well, it will help you to process the grief and find closure. The following guide will walk you through the steps to plan a fitting ceremony and help you process the loss. Here are some helpful tips to help you plan a child funeral. To make the process go more smoothly, consider enlisting the help of a funeral director or other trusted family member.
Children may be able to understand and participate in the funeral if they’ve been exposed to it before. However, you should not talk about the child funeral in front of the parents repeatedly, or try to elicit a visible response. A toddler may not be able to process a complex situation in a moment, so keep the conversation simple and easy to understand. Regardless of the age of your child, they can understand the meaning of candles, and they may even be able to light them without adult supervision.
If your child was young, you may want to consider the following activities. Besides singing, the service can include religious rituals, a casket, and a lot of crying. While you’re preparing for the service, be prepared to take your child out for a break if she is upset or acts up unexpectedly. You should also explain to her that there are other activities to do instead of sitting through the service. Despite the fact that you’re going through the pain of losing your child, she deserves to be remembered.
When planning the child funeral, it’s important to consider your limits. As a parent, you may need to seek support from a friend or family member who will be able to comfort her during the service. A caregiver can also help you manage the child during the service. If the child is not able to keep quiet, a babysitter can provide a temporary solution and give you the space you need to process your feelings. You may also want to invite a babysitter to watch the child at the funeral.
You should also talk to your child about the funeral. Discuss the nature of death with her and introduce her to your own beliefs about the end of life. Show images of what a child should do during a funeral. Whether a child is too young or too old for a formal ceremony, she might not be able to meet the expectations. Even if she doesn’t, it is important to give yourself time to grieve. The child will need you to explain the process and help her understand the details.
When planning a child funeral, choose a ceremony that suits the circumstances of the family. You can have a simple cremation or an elaborate memorial service without the child’s body. Parents may prefer to keep the child’s ashes in a jar or scatter them in a special place. You may also want to choose music and readings that have no connection with the deceased’s religion. You can also make the event more personal by arranging a personalized service.